Thursday, 19 December 2019

Welcome To Outside The Box

Hello. If you're reading this then congratulations!! You've found Outside The Box. A new football site dedicated to long form articles about the game and the culture that surrounds it in the modern era.

Here are a few things I'll be covering as OTB moves forward.

Under The Radar: Have you ever wondered what it must be like in a country where football isn't the national game? Or perhaps you want to know how football clubs fare in the press and media in some of the world's biggest cities. Hopefully I'll be speaking to football fans from places as far afield as Australia and Canada as well countries closer to home such as Ireland and Wales.

Groundhopping Adventures: Over time, I'll be visiting several different grounds across the north of England (and hopefully beyond) seeing the places and meeting the faces that make football clubs tick across all levels of the pyramid.

Seen On Screen: When Saturday Comes, Renford Rejects, All In The Game and even The Hurricanes. Join me as I take a nostalgic look back at fictional depictions of football from film and TV from down the years.

There is always room for suggestions so if there is anything in specific you'd like to see on the site or indeed anything you would like to contribute then please feel free to get in touch. You can either reach out to me personally on Twitter (you can find me @BarkerDan10) or via the Outside The Box account (@FootballOTB).

About The Author 

I suppose since you're here, I ought to introduce myself. My name is Dan Barker Gray and I have been writing about football for a couple of years now. I'm an unashamed football addict (and have been for as long as I care to remember, which as my next big birthday is my 30th is a bloody long time!!) and an even more unashamed two-team wanker, dividing my support between Manchester United and my local club Grimsby Town. I also produce an online magazine dedicated to 1990s football called 'A Whole New Ball Game' and have also written about cricket and rugby league over time too. I hope you'll enjoy reading Outside The Box as much as I hope to enjoy writing it. Please feel free to get in touch through the above channels but keep it clean. I respect constructive criticism but I won't have any qualms about hitting the block button if you're a dick.

I'll be back soon with our first article, I'll keep the subject matter under wraps for now.

Until then, take care.

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All Around The World: Croatia

Hello and welcome to Outside The Box, the football blog with a cultured left foot.  Following the success of our interview with Simon Clar...